Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Sometimes, i look through my photo albums posted in my fb.
I look through the memories with my friends in UKM
It's simple when there is no conflict and comparison
It's happy when we all go travel
but it will change when there is conflict
It changes when someone changes
It changes when someone realizes
It changes when someone hides
I miss those days..

I look through my family photo albums..
feel like crying
feel like going home
i realized that I left home for so long
When I am helpless, I need shield from family
I think 1day I will go home~~
when i am hopeless

I look through my bf photo album and the diary i wrote
I did appreciate him at the very first beginning
I told myself to appreciate him
but i changed
I start to complain nowadays
I start to take more n more from him
I start to compare
I thk it's time to appreciate whatever he does to me

I look through my self portrait
I grew up
I look older
I look slimmer
I look matured
but still, I am childish
I need to grow up internally
I miss my naive smile
I miss my real laugh out loud
im helpless
I don't know what i can do


  1. Old liaw.... So dun childish liaw

  2. Old liaw.... So dun childish liaw



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