Sunday, May 15, 2011

Stress life

When we are growing up, the tension facing by us will getting serious and heavy as well.
When we were small, we only needed to worry about toys we had.
When we entered primary school, it's all about study result so that we won't be punished by parent.
When we entered secondary school, we started to worry about friendship, appearance and study.
After we graduated from high school, that is the critical point of life.
We needed to think about our future, what is our study fields, partner life, friendship, appearance, fashioning, and also money.
This is still considered little tension?
When we are nearly graduate from university like now, here are the problem:
1. Study master or phd?
2. Working as???
3. When to marry?
4. Where to find a partner?
5. How to earn money? buy car? buy house? or buy a laptop first?
6. When to have time to meet with old friend?
7. how to divide the money to family, myself and my loan?
8. Aging problem wuwuwu...
blah blah blah....
TENSION 100 percent!!!

Working for how many years to guarantee your future? to travel all around the world? to fulfill your dream?
tension again...

This is so called life... stressed life! My GOD!!

fringe ?

without fringe?
As i am getting old, i think it's better for me to act cute by cutting a fringe right?
Barber... i need you!
forgot to tell you a SECRET:
I have cut my hair by myself...just trim it actually, my hair's ends are totally broken, almost all of them..
now getting smoother already...
Wanna dye hair, but they(hair) can't stand the dryness and the damage.. what a lazy and greedy owner, "they" must be stressed and sad...
I will take care of you well from now on...
Stress life, stress hair, stress me...
ga yao!


  1. cut fridge? how do u cut peti sejuk? lmao...

  2. see me no stress liaw



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